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► The special issue "Adelante con judicio. Asilo e protezione degli stranieri dopo il d.l. n. 130 del 2020" of the Journal Forum di Quaderni Costituzionali was published after the MARS seminar "Il diritto di asilo dopo il d.l. n. 130/2020 in tema di immigrazione e protezione internazionale", held on 16 December 2020. The articles collected in this special issue explore the new provisions adopted in Italy with the Law Decree No. 130/2020, converted into Law No. 173/2020, and related to: international protection and national forms of protection of asylum seekers, asylum procedures, rescue operations, municipal registration of asylum seekers, reception of refugees and asylum seekers devoting a particolar attention to migrant children.

The special issue is available here or you can download the extract on the right column of this page.


► The series of papers about the protection of children's rights

The following papers are aimed at analysing the most relevant challenges that the European Unione and its Member States are facing to protect children's rights, in order to: elaborate recommendations for policy makers, promote the correct implementation of the EU normative framework and enhance the protection of fundamental rights of minors at national and local level. 

No. 1/2021 - Diritto alla registrazione di nascita. Il primo passo verso la protezione dei minori, Chiara Bonaiuti

No. 1/2022 - La determinazione dell’età dei richiedenti asilo nei Paesi di “secondo approdo”: in dubio pro software?, Luca Alessandria

No. 2/2022 - Accertamento dell’età dei minori stranieri non accompagnati tra prassi nazionale e standard internazionali: il caso dell’Italia e del Regno Unito, Roberta Maria Aricò e Alice Fill